Emmy Pan Poulsen's Taiwanese Curry: 潘靜漪的台灣味咖哩醬

Emmy Pan Poulsen’s 
Taiwanese Curry


                                    April 20, 2019
Springville, Utah


  1. Chicken breasts (4 to 6 pieces depending on the size 
of the chicken and the size of the pot 
         you are going to use for this dish) or pork tenderloin
 (I use Costco’s pork sirloin tip roast in this curry dish
quite often because I almost always have this tip roast in our freezer for
other Taiwanese dishes I make).

  1. Butter ( two tablespoons).
  2. Onions (one, diced).
  3. Carrots (4 to 6, diced).
  4. Curry powder, according to the taste.
  5. Corn (I use our garden frozen corn, a quart bag).
  6. Peas (I use our garden frozen peas,  ½ quart bag).
  7. Mushrooms ( 2 cans).
  8. Potatoes (4 to 6 big potatoes. Boochie and Richard love potatoes so I usually put a lot of potatoes in this dish).
  9. Chicken broth (a can or two).
  10. Chicken bouillon (1 to 2 tablespoons).
  11. Coconut milk ( a can).
  12. Heavy cream (1 cup or 1 ½ cups).
  13. Salt.
  14. Pepper.
  15. Rock sugar ( You will be able to buy rock sugar at any Asian market). 

Granulated sugar could do the job too.
If you are using granulated, put one tablespoon in the pot).

Before I start cooking, I “season” the chicken first.
This procedure is important because it “tenderizes” the chicken.

Add a little bit of water to the chicken and mix well.

Then add a little soy sauce, granulated sugar, olive oil
(or any kind of oil), rice wine (optional), and curry powder (a tablespoon),
and cornstarch to the chicken.

Mix well.

Let the chicken sit at room temperature for 10 minutes or so in the winter. 
( In the summer, after all the ingredients are mixed in with the chicken.
Put the chicken in the fridge until you need it.)

         Turn the stove on to medium high or high. 

Add butter to the pot. 

When the butter is melted, add rock sugar (4-6 pieces), onions, and carrots. 

Cook for 3 minutes or so before you add curry powder
( 2 tablespoons or more if desired). 

Stir well.

At this point, the mixture is kind of dry.
Quickly add chicken broth to the pot. When the liquid in the pot comes to a boil,
fill the pot ½ full of water.

Add potatoes.

Cook 10-15 minutes or so.

          When the onions, carrots, and potatoes are soft,  add mushrooms and corn.

Add coconut milk and heavy cream.

Add chicken bouillon, salt, and pepper.

When  the sauce comes to a boil again, add the seasoned chicken. 

Let the chicken cook until done.

Add peas.

Taste the soup. 

Sometimes a little salt or chicken bouillon or “this and that” is needed.

In Taiwan, this dish is made to eat with steamed rice.

(I come from a rice eating country,
and thus I am very picky about rice.
If you are interested in knowing what kind of rice I buy in America,
feel free to let me know.)

Sometimes I mix udon noodles or rotini pasta with this curry 

They are as good as steamed rice.


June 26, 2019
Minhsiung, Taiwan

這個英文咖哩食譜會出現完全是為了杰倫的媽媽Heather Smith!


然後吃完他們愛上, 就跟我要食譜了!)






(當初我用Google Docs跟她分享這個檔案, 所以也只有她的email帳號看的到我的食譜!)

與其將我已經花時間打好的食譜直接貼上杰倫媽媽的部落格, 不如我自己先將這打了好久的英文食譜先公布在我自己的部落格!







"這個加一點, 那個加一點"這樣!😆)








